​RVR Repeater Service

Contact: Tom Diederich,
Direct: 518-797-5156
Toll Free: 1-800-279-6250
1. Although cellular service covers a greater distance, RVR Repeater Service covers a greater area. Using RVR Repeater Service, with a mobile unit, covers regions spanning from the Greater Hudson Valley to Glens Falls as well as the Mohawk Valley.
Use of cellular service requires a cell phone...which is illegal to use while driving plus 2 points on your license! Under Dash Mobile Radios are not illegal to use while driving. Our existing customers realize the value of cellular phones for select employees who require this function. For the rest radios will keep the employees in touch and FASTER!
2. Would your business be better served by direct communications with a dispatcher? Do your employees need to report status/request information for a job with dispatch or other team members? If you answered yes, RVR Repeater Service may be right for you. RVR Repeater Service allows for team members in the field to request information for a job quickly and efficiently. When any one of your employees has knowledge of a situation, they can supply info immediately to the entire team using the repeater service with the push of a mic button. Use of cell phones requires searching for and dialing each person separately - taking away from speed and productivity.
3. Dialing a cellular phone or pushing buttons and looking at a tiny screen while driving isn't the safest thing to be doing on our busy roads! With RVR Repeater Service you set it and forget it. If you decide to use multi systems, there is only one button to push when entering a different area. Other than that... Just turn it on and go! The large LCD screen can be seen from several feet away. If you get a call...just pick up the mic from the hanger and Push to Talk.
4. With RVR Repeater Service you won't hear: My battery went dead, I couldn't find my phone, I dropped it and it didn't work or I still can't find it. With the radio bolted into the vehicle there won't be any of that! While harnessing the power of the vehicle and utilizing an exterior antenna your system will perform. What you will hear is everything employees have to say, giving you the ability to monitor job progress and have confidence in your employee’s productivity.
5. Cellular service generally runs approximately $50.00 a month per unit. If you have 10 employees using cell phones you will be paying over $500 per month with taxes and fees. Our price points are individualized to the customer to give you the best service for your dollar. Please Call River Valley Radio to obtain the latest options and prices for new radios and services for your business. We guarantee you will save a ton of money over time and have faster and more reliable communications information flow than ever.
6. Not only is RVR Repeater Service the money saving choice but using repeater service ensures your employees won't be forced to break the law by using cellular phones while driving to communicate with the office. You Decide. We look forward to serving you.
RVR Repeater Service offers a wide area of coverage spanning from the Greater Hudson Valley to the Glens Falls region as well as the Mohawk Valley!
New York State Cell Phone Laws
N.Y.S law signed in July 2011 strengthens the enforcement against drivers and cellular phones
*Primary Traffic Offense
*5 Points Against Drivers License
*$150 Fine

RVR Repeater Service Highlights
*Wide Coverage/Extended Range
*Dual Tower Redundancy
*2013 FCC Narrowband Compliant
*Automatic repeater system power generator
*Unlimited use multiple private channels
*Flat rate monthly service
*Additional Coverage Available